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1st german Nacktsneggen Haus

Server Name 1st german Nacktsneggen Haus
Server Hostname
Banner 1st german Nacktsneggen Haus
Users 0/0
Server Country DE
Server Version 3.13.3 [Build: 1608128225]
Server Platform Linux
Server Owner FPVogel
Favourites 0
Votes 1
Rank 49
Score 0
Created At 2020-04-27 22:13:48
Updated at 2020-04-27 22:18:43

We have a ranking system and an uptime of at least 99%. You can create your own channels if you'd like or just join one of the Talk or game Channels. depending on your level you will also be able to create permanent/ semi-permanent channels, if you wanna go private. We are all cool with whatever you will be doing on the server and we have a fairly active staff team as well.

Although the server is hosted in Germany, everyone is welcome and our staff team will provide english support if needed.