Server Name | Free Teamspeak Server | |
Server Hostname | | |
Banner |
Users | 0/0 | |
Website | ||
Server Country | FR | |
Server Version | 3.12.1 [Build: 1585305527] | |
Server Platform | Linux | |
Server Owner | Karliah | |
Favourites | 0 | |
Votes | 28 | |
Rank | 17 | |
Score | 0 | |
Created At | 2019-10-23 20:32:56 | |
Updated at | 2020-08-30 04:19:52 |
Players | Unknown,Musique Perso,MusicBot (Pas Up),Bot Accueil |
Hello, our server is available for free for anyone, you can come to play with your friends or just talk.
Our staff is competent and can help you to make a place on our server by creating you channels.